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Beliefs and Opinions

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when one contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries to comprehend only a little of this mystery everyday." Albert Einstein.

Here are some really interesting programs, stories, jokes, lessons and whatever else I find interesting


How Invisibility Cloaks Work

Listen To MIT Radio

Play The Role of A University Admissions Officer i.e. select freshmen

A book on Complex Numbers

Sunday League Fans

Albert Einstein - A Biography


moon phase

MoshPitt e-greetings
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Welcome to our e-greetings service. You'll find a huge selection of top quality cartoons, sorted for all occasions. Once you've picked a cartoon, you can customise all aspects of the layout of your card, then send it to up to 50 recipients simultaneously in text or HTML format or both. So whether you want to say Happy Birthday, Sorry or invite all your friends to your next party, why not send an e-greeting today?

Follow the four steps below to create and send your own customised e-greetings:

Step 1: Choose an occasion.
Step 2: Choose an image.
Step 3: Add recipients and write your message.
Step 4: Customise, preview and send your card.

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ŠKelvin Jayanoris 2005
All rights reserved